Polyclinic Theme for Extraordinary Accessible Care for Everyone

Emergency   My Polyclinic   Visitors Info

Find a Doctor

Enter specialist's name into search field and/or narrow down the search results by selecting job position and specialty.

Who Are We?

Easy to use complete medical solution.

Accessibility matters especially with medical institutions, and that's why the Polyclinic theme is fully accessibility ready!

Visiting Hours

Business hours:

Mon – Fri 6:30 – 18:00
Weekend 8:00 – 16:00
Holiday 8:00 – 15:00

Phone number:

911-123-456 for nonstop emergency service

Thank you for visiting Polyclinic!

We are a clinic that has been in business for 15 years providing top local medical care.

We have 7 treatment rooms and a comfortable waiting area with receptionist. We treat patients of all ages. Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities.

Polyclinic is suitable for wide variety of business websites

Suitable for any medical business related websites: from small clinics to hospitals, veterinary, dentist, plastic surgery, chiropractic clinics, rehabs, laboratory, spa, pharmacy, ambulance, beauty salons and many more.

Járóbeteg Irányítási Rendszer a Kórházban

2023 november 1-én a Nagyatádi Kórházban is elindult az új Járóbeteg Irányítási Rendszer (JIR)
További információk...


Ápolók napja 2023

A Kaposi Mór Oktató Kórházzal közösen tartottuk a Magyar Ápolók Napja ünnepséget, az 1. magyar ápolónő, Kossuth Zsuzsanna születésének évfordulója alkalmából.


Elhunyt Dr. Néber Árpád kollegánk a Nagyatádi Kórház traumatológus szakorvosa.

Kegyelettel emlékezünk rá és megőrizzük szívünkben.



Nonstop service

10 min

Short waiting times




Patients registered

Polyclinic is the first accessible medical WordPress theme

Professionally coded, SEO optimized, check out some of the theme highlights below.

This is not your ordinary medical theme! Polyclinic is very easy to use (you don't have to be a scientist to use a WordPress theme!) yet incredibly powerful, well coded, lightweight, fast and secure.

With this theme everybody wins: your website visitors, your website user and editor and also your website admin and developer.

Out of the box it includes a "Find a Doctor" functionality, amazing page layouts within included demo content and thorough, explanatory documentation.

Accessible Theme

Accessible Theme

The Polyclinic WordPress theme is fully accessible. It passes and exceeds WordPress accessibility requirements.

Easy Customization

Easy Customization

The theme is completely customizable and you can match it to your branding. Integrates with WordPress Customizer seamlessly.

Excellent Support

Excellent Support

WebMan Design is well known for providing excellent, timely, patient, explanatory and effective support.

Responsive & Retina Ready

Responsive & Retina Ready

Polyclinic has been designed and built to be completely responsive, so you can be sure it will look best on every device.

Professional Code

Professional Code

Themes by WebMan Design are coded professionally and very flexible. Developers love simplicity of the theme modification process. Tweak and bend however you like.

Complete Medical Solution

Complete Medical Solution

The theme was created after extensive research of what real world medical institutions need in their websites.

Like what you see?

This demo website was built with Polyclinic WordPress theme by WebMan Design.
The theme is fully accessible, intelligently responsive and easy to use. Get one while hot!

What our patients say?

Do you want to tell us your experience or suggest an improvement in our services?
Just send us your feedback today via a form on our Contact page.

Vezetői pályázat

Pszichiátria Rehabilitációs Osztály osztályvezető főnővér

Nagyatadi Korhaz logoVezetői pályázat

Szakorvosi pályázatok

A Nagyatádi Kórház szakorvosok jelentkezését várja folyamatosan azonnali kezdéssel.

Nagyatadi Korhaz logoSzakorvosi pályázatok

Tüdőgyógyász szakorvos

A Nagyatádi Kórház tüdőgyógyász szakorvos jelentkezését várja egészségügyi szolgálati jogviszonyban azonnali kezdéssel.

Nagyatadi Korhaz logoTüdőgyógyász szakorvos